You’re Not a Jack of All Trades; You’re an Entrepreneur of the Heart
Are you like me? I don’t mean like a part of me; I mean like all of me: pulled in a dozen directions, each one calling to my heart like the woods call to Anna?
Jack of all trades, they say.
Master of none.
Sand falls down, creating an ever larger mountain for you to summit.
Not a Jack of all trades.
A mother to many.
Caring for each unique passion as though each was a child who, at once, has need of nurturing and of independence, a desire to be seen and safe but also to be set aside and dared to stay connected to the home even as the woods are explored one shaky footstep at a time.
Entrepreneur of the heart.
You let your ideas surface, and you test them one by one for fruition, each a rush of creativity, though not all will be accepted in the cruel world, and, yes, some will die down and have to close their doors.
Gardner of passions.
You may not sow a stale crop worthy of a factory, but you sow a cottage garden full of variety that brings not just life but joy also to those who matter most.
Not all the seeds will flourish, of course. Not every tree will bear the fruit.
But then, it’s mostly about the dirt and the weeds anyway.
And there will be fruit as you lose track of time.
Planted in the dirt.
Not the sand.
Ignore the sand.
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